All smoke in CCpur again


LAMKA, May 11: Churachandpur woke up today to yet another incident of what is increasingly being described as mischief which many believe is related to the recent `threat` on a particular community while others have shrugged it off as an accident.

A shop used by local fish sellers as their store room is suspected to have been set on fire today as smoke erupted from the shop this morning around 5am.

Many felt the incident to be a continuation of the recent hate incited crimes including the distribution of pamphlets and an attempt to set a hotel on fire in the district.

A woman fish seller from outside the district said she is a bit scared but she has no other option other than use the store room.

She said the fire did not damage the stuffs much, as there were several fish containers which were stored with water.

The SP of CCpur, Mangkhogin Houkip has in the meantime told a team of media persons that till now the police have been unable to make any arrest.

He said that the police is finding it hard to find the miscreant(s) as they are not leaving any clues behind.

He further appealed to the locals to be vigilant.

He was however optimistic that the police will make an arrest soon, as there is not any  such thing as a perfect crime.

Meanwhile, the residents of the locality next to the bus parking where the incidents had been repetitively occurring has said that they will themselves try to nab the miscreants so that such crimes are not repeated again and further added that     they will leave no stone unturned in their bid to nab the culprits.


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