3 Days Community Leaders Training Program concludes


KANGPOKPI, June 28: The three days Community Leaders Training Programme organized by SSA, Kangpokpi concluded today with Ngahchong Kipgen, ZEO,Kangpokpi as the chief guest of the closing function.

It may be mentioned that the three days Program was inaugurated by DK Thangboi, Addl Deputy Commissioner, Kangpokpi with 55 participants out of 70 invitees and two state resource persons from the State Mission Authority, Manipur on the opening day.

The second day was attended by 49 participants with 3 resource persons.

The closing day has been attended by 55 participants including school headmasters, headmistress, asst.teachers, Kangpokpi Town Committee, Kangpokpi Women Welfare Orgn., Keithelmanbi Women Orgn., Kalapahar Women Welfare Assn., Mothers` Union Kangpokpi AC, Twilang Area Women Union, Women and Child Welfare Assn Kangpokpi, different Chuches leaders, village chiefs etc with two state resource persons namely D Gaithaongam and Leishembi Devi from SSA, SMA, Manipur.

Speaking at the function, D. Gaithaongam said that, good education quality is the main and only factor to united all different kinds of communities in the state and the nation as a whole and also the only factor which can bring peace and harmony among them adding that poverty, corruption, unemployment, evil in the society can be eliminated through good quality education.

He further elaborated that, Right To Education Act has been inserted in Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and named Article 21(A) which signifies its equal in legal status to Right to Live and Liberty(Article 21).

“Every religions speaks against evil”, said D Gaithaongam while adding that Church leaders plays a very significant role in implementation of RTE Act besides community leaders, village chiefs, women organizations and Youth Orgn.

D Gaithaongam while speaking further on RTE Act said that, RTE Act is applicable to all school irrespective of private, aided, government, Hill based and valley based.

The only thing which is not applicable is FREE facilities to private school adding that under RTE Act untrained teachers both in private and government school will be ban very soon and there is a provision for the same.

He said that, though you posseses MA, BA degree or its equivalent degree, if you do not clear TET then you will not be eligible to teach in any school. This is the significant step to erase untrained teacher in every school while elaborating further that from next TET exam only those who posseses B.Ed.certificate can be eligible for test, said Gaithaongam.

He also averred that, there is an order from the Board according to the RTE Act of the Indian Constitution that, all government recognized private school in the state should also take the board text book or syllabus prescribed by the board only. Voilators can be de-recognized by the board, further added the resource person.

Ngahchong Kipgen while speaking at the programme said that, RTE Act has been implemented in Manipur in the year 2010 October and so far there are many children who according to the Act got the opportunity of study and learn while adding that in order to make the Act successful its implemention should be started at the grass root level.

She further said that according to the RTE Act every children should be given education and accordingly we find out children who does study and so far we do our best to give them the quality education as per the Act.

Considering the significant and effectiveness of the cooperation of the community leaders, school heads and the parents guardians, Ngahchong pointed out that, Keithelmanbi UJB School headmaster take the initiatives for the succesfull implementation of the Act, he roamed around the village which comprised of around 700 household and find out those children who do not go to school and reported to us thereby making the village cent percent literate adding that good coordination between the department and the community leaders is highly needed for the success of the act.

She also appeal to the community leaders to unite and cooperate to educate and literate the children of the nation.


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