Biometric awareness campaign held at CCpur


LAMKA, June 15: The biometric awareness drive and campaign in Churachandpur District continued today at the YPA hall of New Lamka.

The campaign titled ‘Biometric Awareness Campaign for 58/CCpur AC’ was graced by Minister Phungzathang Tonsing as chief guest.

Speaking at the awareness campaign, the Minister said that the biometric system is a very positive policy of the present govt and everyone should avail of it as it will benefit them.

He said that this exercise can be term as the final verification of the last census in India, even though many people have complained that they had already been part of the last census in 2010.

The Minister continued that the previous censuses were more or less primarily based on the input of the village chief and others but the biometric will be unique for all and is different.

He further added that those who failed to have their biometric records taken will be left out from development plans of the government and such individuals will find it impossible to get any government benefit.

The DC of CCpur, Maniram Sharma also retaliated  that the bio metric system  is a compulsory exercise for the citizens of India as without this no one will have the chance to get  benefits from the government plans in the future.

The program was conducted by the district administration of CCpur.

The campaign was also attended by village chiefs and common people of the district apart from almost all the officer of the district.

The campaign has already been held in Saikot and Singat A/C of CCpur  District earlier.


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