Dimapur calls band against rampant UG taxation


DIMAPUR, June 17 (NNN): Unable to bear any longer on the rampant imposition of `taxations` on the business community and also on the general public, the denizens of Dimapur, the commercial hub of Nagaland are all set to enforce bandh on June 18 from 6 am to 6 pm.

The bandh has been called by the Action Committee Against Unabated Taxation (ACAUT), under the aegis of the Naga Council Dimapur.

Schools, colleges, shops, transport system, offices both government and private have been asked to close for the day by the ACAUT.

ACAUT has demanded that there should be only one tax payable to any one underground group. ACAUT also stated earlier that the `back-breaking` multiple taxes on goods imposed by underground groups should be abolished immediately. `Irritants` such as trade license tax, ID tax, registration tax, calendar donations, Christmas and New Year donations, etc. shall not be entertained anymore, it said.

It may be noted that the ACAUT had met the NSCN-IM, the NSCN-Khole/Kitovi and others on the issue. Meanwhile, Dimapur Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI), Dimapur Naga Students’ Union (DNSU) and Nagaland Medicine Dealers Association (NMDA), All Nagaland Taxi Association (ANTA) and All Nagaland Private Bus Union (ANPBU) have taken decisions to support the Dimapur bandh on Tuesday.


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