House resumes session after weekend break


IMPHAL, June 24: The Manipur Legislative Assembly session which resumed today after a two day gap passed three separate demands amounting to Rs 1291,50,92,000.

The Demands passed on the 11th day of the 5th session of the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly are Demand No. 14 for Tribal Affairs and Hills Department amounting to Rs. 426, 27, 56, 000; Demand No. 35 for Stationary and Printing amounting to Rs. 5, 00, 36, 000 and Demand No. 40 for Irrigation and Flood control Department (IFCD) amounting to Rs. 800, 33, 00, 000.

As usual, the leader of the House, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh who also holds the Finance portfolio tabled the demands.

When Demand No 14 for Tribal Affairs and Hills Department (TA and HD) was under discussion, MLAs Th Shyamkumar, RK Imo Singh, Samuel Rison and Dr I Ibohanbi Singh raised the Motion of Disapproval of Policy Cut.

The cut motion moved by the MLAs concerned issues over non-distribution of scholarship for students hailing from remote places/areas, delay in distribution of economy developmental programmes to the beneficiaries, failure to adopt a policy for tribal people residing in the valley areas, failure to increase ambulance service in the hills and failure to streamline the distribution system of economic benefits to the beneficiaries.

During the discussion on Demand No 40 for Irrigation and flood department, seven MLAs moved the Motion for Disapproval of Policy Cut. The MLAs were L Ibomcha Singh, Th Shyamkumar, P Brojen Singh, Samuel Rison, Th. Biswajit Singh, O. Lukhoi Singh and MLA Dr. I. Ibohalbi Singh.

The cut motion raised by the MLAs was on failure to provide fund in the budget 2013 – 14 for disbursement of salary for the employees of IFCD, non-repairing of existing retaining wall cum line drain along Waishel stream at Thouda Bhabok Leikai, crematorium (near eastern side of Sangai Express building and north-eastern side of Huiyen Lanpao), failure to quality monitor proper embankments/retaining walls on the river banks, failure to complete survey and finalisation of rehabilitation and resettlement of all those affected by Mapithel Dam, Failure to take up preventive measures to control flood, failure to take up preventive measures concerning areas repeatedly affected by flood, failure to have comprehensive and practical to meet day-to-day problems and failure to improve the streams of the valley and hills uniformly.

Participating in the discussion on the demand, Ruling MLA Dr Mg Bijoy Singh and MLA Maibam Kunjo made their observations.

However, following the detailed clarifications by concerned Ministers regarding cut motions and observations on demands on the floor of the House, the cut motions were withdrawn. Later the House passed the three demands amounting to Rs. 1291, 50, 92, 000.  


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