Kabo Leikai JAC condemns


IMPHAL, June 15:  The JAC formed against the eviction of Kabo Leikai has strongly condemned the use of heavily armed police personnel towards the non-violent peaceful conference cum Sit-in -Protest by the present State Govt today at the Tangkhul Baptist Church, Imphal.

The security personnel came and forcefully chased them out, the volunteers claimed.

The police told them that Cr Pc 144 is in place in Imphal East and as such they cannot converge their.

After a stiff commotion with the police, the volunteers shifted to MBC church, they said.  The conference was moderated by Dr Gina Shangkham, former convener of the Indeginious Women Forum, North East India.

Delivering the keynote address, Grace Shatsang, convener of the JAC briefly explained the History of the Naga river lane and how the villagers had obtained their genuine Land pattas.

“We have held several rounds of press conferences followed by a mass peace rally and also had filed a number of miscellaneous cases with the High Court and a Contempt of court has been served to some Govt. officials”, she said.

“In order to strengthen the movement of the JAC, we have resolved to send our learned Advocate to introduce the case to the notice of the Supreme Court at Delhi. For which, we are in need of some financial assistance”, she said.

The conference re-endorsed an earlier declaration of the JAC on the May 27, 2013 to celebrate May 20 every year as the State Govts’ Law Breaking Day, she said.

“The Conference also proposed to the JAC to resort to calling band, indefinite economic blockade etc. in the course of time”, she said.

The sit-in-protest also attended by Bd Behring Ex MP, Dr R Sanga, Director, Imphal School of Preaching, reverend W Konghon, Ahau president, All Manipur Tribal Lawyer Association, learned Advocate R Daniel, Somi Keishing advisor All Tribal Chief Association, spoke as resource persons deliberately calling for the unity of all the Tribal in Naga River lane issue.


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