PHE Minister inaugurates Heitroipokpi Rural Water Supply Scheme


IMPHAL, June 16: State Public Health Engineering Minister Irengbam Hemochandra Singh today inaugurated the improvised Yairipok Rural Water Supply Scheme of Heitroipokpi as the chief guest of the inaugural function.

Information & Public Relation and Minor Irrigation as Parliamentary Secretary, K Meghachandra Singh presided the inaugural function whereas the Principal Secretary of Public Health Engineer Department (PHED), W S Hansing, Chief Engineer, PHED M Ibomcha Singh, chairperson of Yairipok Nagar Panchayat, Th Bokul Singh; member of Yairipok Jilla Parisad A Subjas Singh attended as guests of honour respectively.

While addressing the inaugural function, Minister I Hemochandra Singh said that provision of safe drinking water by PHED is a virtue and he further reminded the gathering not to forget water is life while mentioning of the government of India’s different schemes implemented with state share in the rural areas such as provision of safe drinking water and installation of water treatment plants.

Such schemes should be treated as public assets and further said that the government is facing problems in its implementation due to lack of funds, he said.

Despite this PHED is providing service to the satisfaction of the people, he said.

He further added that a Minister should not work only for his constituency as he is serving for the interest of the whole state and further maintained that a Minister’s words should match with his actions in this era of Right to Information Act.

He also appealed the people of the area to regularly pay water tax as well as to maintain cleanliness at the water source area.

Parliamentary Secretary K Meghachandra Singh said that PHED consistent effort to provide safe drinking water to the people is a success.

Once construction work at the Tameng khong and Itok Khong dam is completed, it will not only act as a source of water supply for the region but will also help in irrigation for agricultural activities making double cropping possible in the area.

K Meghachandra Singh, Parliamentary Secretary further informed the gathering of the Singda Water Supply scheme under multi-sectoral programme thereby guaranteeing no drinking water problem and further advised the members of the Village Level Water Supply and Treatment Committee to look after this centrally sponsored scheme.

It is noteworthy to mention here that the newly inaugurated Yairipok Rural Water Supply Scheme of Heitroipokpi will provide potable water to the villages of Soibom, Leirongthel, and some parts of Yairipok kekru respectively.

This Water Supply Scheme has been undertaken under the National Rural Drinking Water Project at an estimated cost of Rs 69,47000 started since 2006 and completed on April 26, 2013.

This Water Supply Scheme is providing drinking water to 7667 heads according the census of 2011 and will provide drinking water to 10, 000 heads in the year 2021.

While its treatment capacity volume is 4, 80, 000 litres of water per day, this Water Supply Scheme is delivering a total water volume of 2, 70, 000 litres.

Horse power 25 and horse power 15 are used at two different water sources one at Thoubal River and another one at Thoubal main canel to feed the water supply.


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