ANSAM concern for speedy justice to rescued children


SENAPATI, July 17 (NNN): The All Naga Students Association, Manipur (ANSAM) has urged the concerned authority for the speedy delivery of justice to the children rescuedfrom Jaipur.

On March 12 this year, young girls and boys including minors from Manipur and Nagaland and elsewhere had been rescued after two children homes in Jaipur were raided by a joint team of the Tangkhul Shanao Long-Delhi, the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Rajasthan, social workers, activists and media persons. The homes were run by one Pastor Jacon John.

On Wednesday, ANSAM said, “The startling revelation by the various local and national dailies in regards  to the manner in which children from Manipur and Nagaland state were raped and sexually exploited, has shocked the conscience of every sensible citizen”.

While appreciating the various civil societies for rescuing the children from the infamous Grace Home, Jaipur and also nabbing the notorious Jacob John, the ANSAM urges for speedy dispensation of the case.

Taking the cognizance of the heinous crime, a befitting punishment as deemed appropriate by the law of the land be given to the culprit, the Naga students` body demanded.

ANSAM also urges the government of India to arrange necessary rehabilitation facilities, including education for the children.

Mention may be made here that both the children homes are called ‘Grace Home’ which were illegally run by one Jacob John, flouting every norm and guideline laid by the Child Welfare Committee. He was arrested under the Indian Penal Code section 344,366 and 370(5) and Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 section 23 and 28.

Of the 51 children rescued from two children homes in Jaipur, Rajasthan, 30 children are from Ukhrul district of Manipur. Of them, 22 are girls and 8 children are boys.

Again on July 4, four more children from Manipur that include three girls aged 8, 12, 19 and one 15 year old boy were rescued from the `home` of one Rajkumari Ronica Robinson in Jaipur, a former friend of Jacob John, where they were being exploited and kept as a domestic servitude.  FXB Surakha India rescued those four children and following that two members of Tangkhul Shanao Long, Delhi (TSLD) went to Jaipur to provide psycho-social support and to counsel the children.


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