Two boys rescued from Hyderabad by AMSU


IMPHAL, July 22: The All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) has handed over two boys MD Ajayrudin Khan (15) son of MD Manir Khan and MD Aslam Khan (14) son of Juma Khan both from Naharup Pangong Makhong, who were rescued from Hyderabad by a team of the student body, to their respective families and local meira paibis today.

Speaking to media persons during a press conference at AMSU headquarters, spokesperson S Shahjahan Shah said the two boys have been missing since January 6, 2013 from their respective homes.

He further said that they were found at Hyderabad working as hotel boys on July 17.

He elaborated that the two boys without any idea of where they were going boarded a train from Dimapur and on reaching Delhi, were caught by the Delhi police for travelling without tickets.

After their release they again boarded a train which was going to Chennai but somehow ended up at Hyderabad, he said.

Following the two boys going missing from their respective residences, family members of the two had filed a complaint with the Irilbung police and the Child Rights Commission, however both had failed to find the two, he continued.

Losing all hope with the police and the state child rights commission, the family members took the issue to the AMSU headquarter on April 12.

Following the complaint, the AMSU has been searching for the boys, he said.


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