48 hrs UNC total bandh affects Senapati


KANGPOKPI, August 12: The first day of United Naga Council (UNC) sponsored 48 hrs total bandh in all Naga-settled areas in Manipur remain greatly effective paralyzing normal lives in all Naga-settled areas of the entire state and Senapati district in particular.

The 48 hrs UNC sponsored total bandh has completely shutting down all vehicular movement, educational institutions, banks, government offices, local traffics, normal business establishment in Senapati district.

All shop shutters were down and vehicular movement were also heavily restricted including even local vehicles at Mao and Maram along National Highway 2.

The United Naga Council, the apex body of the Naga tribes in Manipur sponsored 48 hrs total bandh affected not only the Naga-settled areas in Manipur but also cut off the two NHs restricting all types of vehicular movement along the highways.

As per the UNC earlier statement, medical activities, fire-brigade,media, power and telecommunication department and observation of Bol Bam ritual were exempted from the purview of the bandh in Senapati District Headquarter. All other normal activities remained paralyzed by the bandh.

At Mao gate, it was reported and confirmed that there a few vehicles were stranded  including loaded trucks, commercial passengers wingers, private vehicles, some Inter-State buses and others.

With heavy deployment of bandh supporters, the Police and Paramilitary forces launched a vigilant patrolling along the NH-2 especially in Senapati DHQ.

The decision to imposed and go ahead with the 48 hrs total bandh in all Naga-settled areas in Manipur was decided at the UNC Presidential Council meeting held on August 5 at Tahamzam where all the regional and Naga frontal organizations, intellectuals and scholars, social leaders, tribe Hohos, women and students leaders, social activists, MLAs, etc. took strong exception to the lack of respect for the democratic process of dialogue by the Govt.of India and the Govt.of Manipur which had been put in place at the instance of the Govt.of India.

The United Naga Council (UNC) called a series of agitation including the ongoing 48 hrs total bandh in all Naga-settled areas in Manipur in protest against the Centre`s failure to hold the sixth round of tripartite talk on their demand for an Alternative Administrative Arrangement for Naga-inhabited areas in Manipur.

It may be mentioned that, the fifth round of tripartite talk was held on February 12 this year at Senapati DHQ.


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