AJICLA demands action against absent contract teachers


    JIRIBAM, Aug 3: The All Jiribam Contract Lecturers’ Association (AJICLA) has today said in a press release that the move to regularize the long suffered Ad-hoc teachers is a just initiative of the Govt of Manipur.

    It further continued that the contract teachers who have been rendering their service towards inculcating knowledge to the young students should also be included in the regularization process.

    On the other hand, the long absence from duty by the contract teachers in such situation when the Chief Minister of Manipur Okram Ibobi Singh and Education Minister Moirangthem Okendra Singh have initiated regularization of the teachers, is unbecoming of a teacher, it said.

    The press release further said that the regularly irregular contract teachers have made other dutiful fellow teachers shameful as the students’ organisations of Jiribam has submitted a memorandum to Education Minister demanding suspension of all errant teachers.

    It has further said that AJICLA will extend cooperation to the government’s move to award befitting action against them.

    Moreover, the upgradation of Boroberkara High School to higher secondary level is a positive step towards developing Jiribam sub division in the interest of the people of Jiribam. However, it is not acceptable to assign DDO charge to the Head Master in charge urging the concerned authority to assign a regular principal for the recently upgraded higher secondary school.


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