Bomb attack leaves mother-daughter critically injured


IMPHAL, August 4: The wife and daughter of a Field Assistant of the Agriculture Department, Peibam Sarat (57) were critically injured in a bomb attack at their Kwakeithel Moirang Purel residence this evening around 7:45.

Both the injured mother and her daughter have been admitted at the Shija Hospital in critical condition.

The bomb was hurled by unidentified persons around 7:45 pm inside the residence, maximizing the casualty from the blast.

The injured wife and daughter has been identified as Sorodhoni (48) and her daughter Katherine (25).

Both received multiple injuries and were rushed to the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences and later, taken to the Shija Hospitals And Research Institute.

Speaking to the media persons, one of the family members said that the blast occurred as she was preparing dinner while the injured mother and daughter were watching television .

She said that she heard a loud explosion all of a sudden from the rear of the house and when she went to inspect, she found both of them lying injured.

While lamenting the attack, she said she had also heard a two wheeler speeding away.

A team of police led by S Ibomcha, Deputy Superintendent (Commando) Imphal west rushed to the area and inspected the blast site.

The wall and other items inside the room where the bomb landed were also damaged.


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