Cleanliness drive at Namdulong


    IMPHAL, Aug 25: A cleanliness drive for two days from August 24-25 jointly organised by the village community of Namdunlong, Village Pei, local club and Development Committee and Women Society was conducted at the Naga Nallah stretch from Dingku Road to 2nd Manipur Rifles, Ragailong, informed a press release of Namdunlong Youth Club.

    The village community requested all the individuals, organisations, businessmen to extend their help in keeping the Nallah clean and warned that it would impose fine against any individuals and institutions found dumping/throwing waste into the Nallah.

    Further, the joint organisations of the village expressed gratitude to all the individuals for rendering all possible helps in the form of cash and physical especially P Sunder, Zilla Parishad Member Laipham Khunou and M Majakhon, Councilor, IMC Ward No 26 Wangkhei.


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