DM college conversion to state university before next state election, says minister


IMPHAL, August 6: The inaugural function of a Multipurpose Hall and the 67th DM College Foundation Day held today with the state Education Minister Moirangthem Okendra in attendance, faced a minor glitch with volunteers of the Joint Committee of DM College Students’ Union picketing the presence of the Minister.

The volunteers had entered the multi-purpose hall as the DM College of Science Principal was addressing the observation

The foundation day observation was held at the newly inaugurated hall.

Nevertheless, the state Education Minister announced later during the programme that there are plans of the government to convert the college to a state university before the next state election.

The students had yesterday announced that they will boycott the Minister and any function he attends for his failure to commit to his promises regarding development of the three DM colleges.

The student volunteers shouted demands for the Minister to quit on moral grounds during the picketing.

The heavy police presence in the premises of the college, however stopped the students from creating any further disturbance and drove them outside the hall and the function continued.

The foundation day observation was opened with offering of floral tributes at the statue of the Late Maharani Dhanamanjuri with Education Minister Moirangthem Okendro Singh leading the others.

Education Minister Moirangthem Okendro Singh later cut the ribbon inaugurating the Multi-purpose hall.

Speaking at the foundation day observation, Minister Okendro said he can understand the anger of the students; however it would have been better if the students could have met him after the function and talk about the issues, he said.

The Minister added that the students lack discipline today.

Elaborating on the demands of the students, he said he alone cannot solve all the problems as he has to collaborate with other concern departments to look into the issue.

Meanwhile, speaking at the observation local MLA Kh Joykishan announced that he will construct a toilet facility for either the DM College of Science or Commerce, whichever is in an inferior condition.  

This is the first Foundation Day observation of the college organized jointly by the three streams of the college after the DM College got separated into DM College of Arts, Science and Commerce in 1975.

Medals and awards for meritorious students were also distributed during the observation.


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