Drivers` union to meet police OCs


    IMPHAL, Aug 26: The Senapati District Drivers’ Welfare Union today said in press release that the drivers operating along the National Highway 2 has been facing a lot of difficult experiences such as torturous road conditions, ransackong and lootings, kidnapping of drivers for ransom etc.

    The press release said that such ordeals were faced as a challenge by the Surface Transport Hill Area Drivers’ Welfare Union and Senapati District Drivers’ Welfare Union, Tadubi Senapati District.

    Regarding this matter, drivers have lodged complaints to the two drivers’ union. After having discussed the complaints, the two drivers’ welfare unions’ executive members have decided to meet the concerned OCs of the six police gates located  between Imphal to Mao through which the vehicles make entries on August 30, 2013 so as to discuss the matter with the police officers, the press release said.

    The press release further appealed to the concerned officers in charge of the six police gates to make it possible to have a joint discussion in the interest of the drivers.


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