Gelmol village centenary gate erected


    LAMKA, August 6: Gelmol village, which is about 5km from Lamka, today celebrated its centenary marked by the erection of a centenary gate at the entrance of the village.

    The centenary gate was inaugurated by Saikot MLA TN Haokip, in the presence of ADCC Chairman Langkhanpau Guite and Executive Members of ADCC Gouzamang Guite and Kamsualun.

    A short program was held after the inauguration of the gate, during which the chief guest TN Haokip said that the village of Gelmual is a source of many necessities, due to its strategic location, like water with its vast forest and added that the people need to plant more trees instead of cutting them down.

    The guest of honour and functional president all lauded the efforts of the tiny village in organizing and erecting such a huge and beautiful gate.

    The guest of honour added in his speech that, this is a product of working in unison and if the villagers keep the spirit of unity they can do more in the future and that they must kept up the good work.


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