ILP demand infiltrates Hunger Marchers` Day rally


IMPHAL, August 27: The All Manipur Students’ Union today led the students of the state in paying homage to the four student “Martyrs” of the Hunger Marcher movement or the Chaklam Khongchat against the artificial scarcity of rice in the state on August 27, 1965 by observing the 48th Hunger Marchers’ Day at the Pishum Chingamacha. The observation started early in the morning with the offering of floral tributes to portraits of the four “Martyrs” namely Oinam Nabakumar, Laishram Chaobal, Nongmeikapam Pramodini and Waikhom Nilamani.

Thousands of students of the state and family members of the four attended the function.

A two-minute silence was also observed to pay respect to the departed leaders during the function organised by AMSU. A rally was also taken out to mark the occasion.

The rally started from Pishum Chingamacha Memorial and after passing Pishumthong, Keisamthong, Wahengbam Leikai, Nagamapal, Khuyathong, Thangmeiband concluded at DM college Multipurpose Hall.

During the rally, students echoed demands for the implementation of Inner Line Permit System in the state and to protect and respect women.

Later after the rally concluded at the DM college Multipurpose hall, a big meeting was conducted.

The function was attended by G Joykumar Sharma, former general secy, AMSU; Thiyam Naresh, president, AMSU; Sinam Prakash, secy general, NESO & former president of AMSU; Ng Devendro, former general secy, AMSU; Longjam Umakanta Meitei, president MSF; Jayenta Kumar Khuman, president SUK; Thangjam Premananda, president, KSA; Moirangthem Angamba Meitei, vice president, DESAM as the chief guest, president and guests of honor respectively.

The chief guest G Joykumar Sharma said that the observation of the day is important for everyone and specially the students.

He said that the day was observed commemorating the fight for righteousness and added that from the events and sacrifices made during the movement many valuable lessons can be learned.

Thangjam Premananda, KSA, said since a long time back, students have played an important part everywhere in the world and further added that every elders should guide the students for their future.

Longjam Umakanta Meitei said that the government has captured all the courage and will of the people today.

Local meira paibis, CSOs, local clubs, etc have all fallen before the government’s politics and dance to their tune and said that the time has come for us to work together to save our motherland. He also added that the education minister should have some concern for the students instead of doing anything as he pleases.

Meanwhile, as in other parts of the sState, the AMSU District Committee Jiribam also observed the 48th Hunger Marchers’ Day Celebration with a simple function at the Auditorium Hall of Jiribam Govt Higher Secondary School.

The function was marked by a students’ rally carrying photos of the martyrs along with offering of floral tributes.

It was attended by Dr N Bijaya Devi, principal Jiri College as chief guest; Y Sanjiv Singh, president AMSU District Committee Jiribam as president and L Romen Singh, advocate/ex-president AMSU District Committee Jiribam; E Dewan Singh, advisor to AMSU District Committee Jiribam and K Babulu Meetei, president DESAM Local Council Jiribam as guests of honour.

As parts of the observation, a patriotic song recital competition took part by several students was also held where awards were presented to the respective winners.


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