Kasom Khullen welcomes Tupul-Kasom Khullen road


IMPHAL, August 10: The Kasom Khullen Sub-Division Development Association (KKSDDA) along with the headmen and secretaries, Tangkhul Naga Aze Longphang, student activist, Pastors, society leaders, intellectuals, well wisher and social worker of the Kasom Khullen sub-division had a public meeting on August 9, 2013 at Tangkhul Avenue Community Hall.

The press release further said that while implementation of Asian Development Bank (ADB) sponsored double lane Tupul-Kasom Khullen road construction under DONER ministry is eagerly awaiting, it has come across through a local paper about the decision of the state government to defer the construction of the road, it said.

Further delay or cancellation of the work will hurt the sentiments of the people and keep them being alienated from the mainstream. This will neither be in the interest of the state nor that of people of the area while adding that the distance from Imphal to Wanglee/Namlee is about 95 km, shorter than the distance between Imphal to Moreh, it said.

The Imphal to Wanglee/Namlee village is much shorter than Imphal to Moreh, the press release pointed out and further appealed to open border trade centre at Wanglee/Namlee village. It said that opening a border trade centre between Wanglee/Namlee (Manipur, India) and Phayang (Myothit township in Myanmar) will boost the Indo-Myanmar economic growth and at the same time, it is a long felt needs, aspiration and interest of the people of the border areas of both countries, it said.

Thirdly, the construction of the new SDO office building has long been completed but the delay in inauguration has caused inconvenience to the general public. The government should take necessary action to inaugurate the new building at the earliest so as to enable proper functioning at the said administrative headquarters and adding that the delay of inauguration is inviting the general public to agitate, it said.


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