National environment awareness campaign


    IMPHAL, August 3: The Voluntary Action for Social Affairs (VASA), Karam Awang Leikai, Imphal West has today said in a press release that this NGO organised one day National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) 2012-13 under the theme of Biodiversity Conservation at the premises of Ibudhou Nongshaba Sanglen, Karam Awang Leikai, Imphal West District on August 2, 2013 under the sponsorship of Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt of India through the Directorate of Environment (RRA- Manipur State), Govt. of Manipur, Porompat Imphal.

    The programme was inaugurated by Karam Shyam Singh, MLA, Langthabal a/c, W Bankimchandra Singh, chairperson, Lilong Nagar Panchayat and S Sanatomba Singh, Councillor, Lilong Nagar Panchayat as chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively and it further said that the programme was followed by valuable talks on various relating topic/theme by three resource persons namely BC Tekcham, social activist, M Gunel Singh, convenor School Management Committee and U Bala Devi, Environmentalist, it said.

    After the completion of the Awareness Campaign, as a part of action component, a tree plantation programme was also conducted in the area of Umang Lai campus led by Karam Shyam, MLA.

    The programme was successfully concluded with full support of the local meira paibi and youth club.


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