State announces link officers and alternate officers for IAS officers


IMPHAL, August 29: An official notification of the Principal Secretary (DP), government of Manipur has announced link officers and alternate Link officers who will fill in for 21 IAS officers during their absence.

According to the order, the link officer and alternate link officer for Addl Chief Secretary (Finance & Planning) will be Barun Mitra (Finance) and Dr J Suresh Babu respectively; for CEO, Manipur and Principal Secretary (C&I/ Seri) O Nabikishore, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Nikhilesh Jha and WL Hanshing respectively; for Principal Secretary (CADA/MI), the link officer and alternate link officer will be O Nabakishore Singh and SK Dev Verman; for Principal Secretary (PHED) WL Hangshing, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Rawnganing Muivah and Lungmuana Lakher; for Principal Secretary (Home/ Edn-s) Dr J Suresh Babu, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Nikhilesh Jha, K Moses Chalai and Rawnganing Muivah; for Principal Secretary (H&FW/ Relief & Dm) Dr Suhel Akhtar, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Dr J Suresh Babu and SK Dev Verman; for Principal Secretary to CM and Principal Secretary (DP/ RD&PR/ Social Welfare), the link officer and alternate link officer will be RR Rashmi (DP), K Moses Chalai and Nikhilesh Jha; for Principal Secretary (IFCD/ AR/ IT/ Tourism) and DG/ SAT Dr Rajesh Kumar, the link officer and alternate link officer will be S Sunder Lal Singh and Dr Suhel Akhtar; for Commissioner (Labour & Emp/ TA & Hills) SK Dev Verman, the link officer and alternate link officer will be WL Hangshing and K Moses Chalai; for Commissioner (IPR) Letkhogin Haokip, the link officer and alternate link officer will be SK Dev Verman and L Lakher; for Commissioner Lungmuana Lakher, the link officer and alternate link officer will be JC Ramthanga and Norbert Disinang; for Commissioner (DE/ Horti & SC) and Member Secy (EBADA, BRVDB) JC Ramthanga, the link officer and alternate link officer will be K Moses Chalai and Rajesh Agarwal; for Commissioner Co-op, K Moses Chalai, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Dr Suhel Akhtar and P Vaiphei; for Secy to the Governor and Commissioner (Art & Culture/ YAS) RK Nimai, the link officer and alternat
e link officer will be S Sunderlal Singh and WL Hangshing; for Commissioner Hr & Tech Edn and ex officio Director Edn-U/SCERT/A/E Paulunthang Vaiphei, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Dr J Suresh Babu and K Moses Chalai; for Commissioner (Fisheries) Y Jugindro Singh, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Norbert Disinang and Y Thamkishore Singh; for Commissioner (MAHUD/ Revenue) Sinam Sunderlal Singh, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Y Thamkishore and Norbert Disinang; for Commissioner (Power/ Agri/ S&T/ Eco & Stats) & RC Manipur Bhavan, New Delhi, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Dr Rajesh Kumar, Y Thamkishore Singh and P Vaiphei; for Commissioner, GAD Norbert Disinang, the link officer and alternate link officer will be Y Thamkishore Singh and K Moses Chalai and for Commissioner, CAF&PD Y Thamkishore, the link officer and alternate link officer will be P Vaiphei and Norbert Disinang.


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