Sugnu police takes measures for Independence Day


IMPHAL, August 14: The Sub Divisional Police Officer of Sugnu police station today said in a press release that the police station has taken security measure for the Independence Day 2013 observations under the command of SDPO-SGN with close supervision by the SP, Thoubal District combined with a team of 27 AR Pangaltabi Post and made a continuous drive in Sugnu sub division to prevent any unwanted incident since the last part of July, 2013 by collecting specific intelligence from sources.

During the drive, a police team led by SI, P Okendro Singh and 27 AR recovered one hand grenade on July 30, 2013 from the house of Laishram Kanto Meitei (37) son of (L) L Khuman Meitei of Chairel Makha Likai, it said.

As a part of follow up action, two UNLF cadres namely Laishram (N) Ningthoujam (O) Sana Devi (29), wife of N Sanjoy Singh of Nungoo Awang Leikai and Laishram Kishan Meitei (27) son of L Kunjo Meitei of Nungo Awang Leikai were arrested on August, 8 2013, it further said.

On their disclosure, one 9 mm pistol loaded with seven rounds in the magazine and seven live rounds of 9 mm ammunition were recovered in the evening of August 13, 2013, it said.

On interrogation, they disclosed that the hand grenade was procured from Moreh and sent by the husband of Sana Devi i.e. N Sanjoy Singh who is now taking shelter at Myanmar with his fellow cadres of UNLF and to be used to cause terror to the public on the eve of Independence Day, it added.


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