UCM warns against elevated Urea price


IMPHAL, August 28: Taking serious note over the rampant practice of selling urea at elevated price rates to the farmers of the state, the United Committee Manipur (UCM) has today come out strongly against the practice.

Speaking to media persons today at the committee’s Lamphelpat office, UCM, Development Committee vice president Chandramani Khumancha announced that the body will be conducting an investigation on the issue and further pledged to initiate stringent legal actions against all those found involved in the practice.

He continued that the amount of Urea needed by the farmers of the state in a year is stated to be 15000 MT, whereas the number of 50kg Urea bags ferried into the state in a year is 137520.

On the other hand, the state government has been maintaining a stock of 50000 bags since last year, he claimed.

The ferrying of Urea into the state started from June 13 this year after the issue of the authorised permit, even though the usual practice in the earlier years was to start the transportation as early as April, he complained before demanding the officials of the concerned departments to clarify on the delayed transportation for the current year at the earliest.

Declaring that the UCM has received reports that officials of the agriculture department were threatened by MLAs in order to forcibly take Urea for their own constituencies, he claimed that MLAs of the valley area are entitled to get 600 bags each free of cost, whereas their counterparts in hill district receive 300 bags each.

He continued that UCM is aware that MLAs in connivance with some vested persons and their workers have been selling urea at a high price to the farmers.

Moreover, there is also an order of the government for the supply of 3000 Urea bags each to the MLAs in the valley and 1000 bags each to the MLAs of the hill districts and local bodies, he disclosed.

Stating that the government has given authorised permit to one Suresh Jain of Thangal Bazar for transportation of urea, he questioned whether the lone person will be able to supply the necessary Urea to the farmers of the State and why dealers of urea are not getting their due subsidy. The UCM representative further pointed out that  one bag of urea is being sold at Rs 500-700 against the original factory price of Rs 132.80.

Demanding the government to blacklist those dealers who are not transporting urea on regular basis, he said the government and dealers should bring an amicable solution to the problem of artificial Urea scarcity in the State and farmers should be provided necessary urea at the earliest.

If anyone is found selling urea at an elevated price than its actual price, UCM will picked the individual(s) and take up legal action, he cautioned.

Today’s meet was also attended by Leishemba Lamaba, convenor Development Committee UCM and N Jiban, co-convenor.  


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