ATDSUM demands special school for tribal disabled students


    IMPHAL, September 11: Office bearers and volunteers of the All Tribal Disabled Students’ Union, Manipur proceeding towards the Chief Minister’s bungalow were stopped in front of the Imphal General Post Office by a large contingent of state police.

    The union was trying to submit a memorandum to the state CM.

    Later, a few of the demonstrators were allowed to submit the memorandum to the CM.

    The memorandum demanded setting up of special school with hostel facilities for tribal Disabled Students and children at any of the tribal districts of the state and decentralization of the authority for issuing disability certificate at the district hospitals, Primary Health Centres, Community Health Centres and Sub Divisional head-quarters of the state.

    The memorandum also demanded to enhance disabled Scholarship and to enhance conveyance allowance to blind and Orthopedically Handicapped state government employees.   


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