Eye infection fear grips Bishnupur district


    BISHNUPUR, September 16: Fear has gripped villages located in the north east peripheral areas of Bishnupur District over a bout of a viral eye infection which has reportedly spread further to Ishok, Naorem, Wahengkhuman, Leimapokpam and Kha Sanjenbam at an alarming rate.

    Since last week, villagers have been complaining of an unknown eye infection with symptoms being reddening, swelling of eyes with tears, fever with headaches, body aches, diarrhoea etc.

    As per reports of the PHC Leimapokpam, 362 emergency cases of such eye problems with fever, hypertension etc were registered in the current month only, and in the general OPD dept of the hospital, which has only one Ayush centre, seven doctors there are 200 such patients.

    According to a villager from Ishok, most of the villagers do not attend the PHC Leimapokpam which is the nearest health centre. Many prefer self-medication by buying eye drops and pain killers from pharmacies.

    He further said many villagers went up to Nambol and Imphal for better treatment and the people of the village are also suffering from water borne diseases.


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