Lamka college lectured on HIV/AIDS


LAMKA, September 16: The Red Ribbon Club of Lamka College, which is a part  of the National Service Scheme (NSS) under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt of India, today organized a one day Red Ribbon Program 2013-2014 at the Lamka College Auditorium, New Lamkaunder the theme “HIV & Community Commitment”.

Advocacy officer of SHALOM, B Nengkhozam told the gathering about the importance of being educated of HIV/AIDS.

He said the first case of HIV/AIDS was detected at CCPur in 1989 and the first casualty was reported in the year 1991, which was mainly caused by the sharing of needles by drug users.

He expressed that the practice of stigmatizing the People living with HIV as wrong. Pointing out that earlier, people used to wrap the corpses of people living with HIV with plastic polythene, he added that science now tells us that the virus of HIV dies with the person who carry the virus.

He also said that the virus of HIV is very fragile and dies with simple exposure.

Today’s program was sponsored by the Manipur AIDS Control Society (MACS). Asst Professor Gunen, In charge of the Lamka College Red Ribbon Club said that the basic aim of the Red Ribbon Club is “voluntary donation of blood by the youth” particularly from the student community.  


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