Forum for Naga Reconciliation calls out for reconciliation


    IMPHAL, October 8: The task of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation is to build one Naga House founded on Naga historical and political rights so that to allow for the Naga political groups to reconcile in the spirit of forgiveness and mutual respect and at the same time to acknowledge mistakes while recognizing their achievements and contributions made at various stages of the political history, said a press release of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation.

    Leaders of the Naga political groups in the course of the Naga Reconciliation process declared that they have “reconciled on the basis of Naga historical and political rights, and recognized that all Nagas must unite in the shared purpose towards achieving our Naga political aspirations” it said.

    Despite this declaration, factional violence in its many forms: abductions, killings, provocations, justifications and threats continue to undermine the process, it said and adding that the Naga leaders are found wanting in demonstrating their statesmanship and respecting the people’s desire for reconciliation, it said. Rather than working together, the political groups are busy building their own respective houses, thereby fragmenting the reconciliation process, it said.


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