Kidnappers develop cold feet, leave behind 8 year old on spotting police deployment


IMPHAL, October 28: An eight year old boy was today lucky enough to escape from his alleged kidnappers thanks to police deployment in the nearby area.

Locals of Soibam Leikai Wangkhei Khunou found the young boy roaming in an unusual manner in front of the Citizens’ Club this late afternoon.

Suspecting something unusual in the boy’s manner, the locals inquired with the boy and found that he was infact lifted up from his locality by three individuals in a green Maruti van from his locality while he was going to his nearby tuition centre.

It was also learnt that the three left the boy nearby the club and fled in the green Maruti van.

The boy is said to be from Khurai Kongpal Thongam Leikai.

The locals speculated that the three might have kidnapped the boy from his locality, however, on seeing police deployment at the Old Checkon crossing, they must have left the child and fled from the scene.

According to the father of the boy who was informed by the locals of Soibam Leikai Wangkhei Khunou, the boy used to be dropped off at his tuition centre which is in the next locality.

He said, today his wife had taken their son to her parental home so that her sister in law could teach him.

However, after the boy’s aunt became busy in other works, she asked the boy to go to her normal tuition centre for the day, he said.

The miscreants must have picked up the boy while his son was going alone from her mother’s parental house to his tuition centre, he said.

The father continued that after they found the boy missing, the locals who had been already alerted by the 36 hour bandh were preparing for a loudspeaker publicity, when someone informed that a boy was found roaming at Citizen’s Club.

Meanwhile, the volunteers of Citizen’s Club informed the police who also came to the scene.

On being questioned by IFP, if he suspected anyone who could kidnap his son, the father said he has no one in mind.

The boy who seemed a little dizzy was taken to the hospital.


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