MU negligence resulted in students losing academic year: DESAM


IMPHAL, October 7: Alleging negligence on the part of the Manipur University authorties in grading of students for last year’s Bachelor of Arts last semester examination paper, the Democratic Students’ Alliance Manipur has today demanded action against the officials of the University.

Addressing media persons today at the student body’s office, secretary general A Thoithoi alleged two students have lost a valuable year after the university had missed to put the names of the two BA last semester students in the pass list when the results were declared.

However, when they went to get their mark sheets, it was found that they had passed, he said.

The two came to know of their original results on August 20 when they approached the MU authorities for their mark sheets, he said.

Since the entrance test for their Master’s degree was held the same day as they found that they had passed, they are unable to attempt for MA admission, the student body leader claimed.

Regarding the negligence which has cost the two students a valuable academic year, he also met with the examination controller of MU who had admitted that there was a mistake on the part of Manipur University, he continued.

He further appealed to the concerned authorities to look into the issue, as this is not the first time and such negligence had been witnessed earlier.

The two students S Amarjit (20), son of Thoiba of Laphupat Tera and S Hemajit Singh (20), son of Deben of Sugnu Khabam Leikai both students of DM Arts were also present during the press conference.

Speaking to media persons, S Amarjit Said that their last semester BA examination was held in the last week of May and the result was declared on July 19 by the college.

We found both our results remarks as “yet to pass”, which the college authorities cited to be because of their 4th semester back papers, he said. The results of the back papers was declared on July 25 during which we found our results remarks as ‘withheld’, he continued and added that the college authorities claimed the result remarks to be because of the unfinished checking of Sociology paper.

On July 29, the results were pasted on the Manipur University notice board and the names of the two were found missing from the pass list, but when they went to collect their mark sheets from the University on August 20, both were found to have passed, he claimed.

They had gone to MU for their mark sheets, after the university failed to send the marksheets to the college, he asserted.

The two later approached the concerned MU authority to arrange another MA entrance exam for them which was denied, he said.


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