Phayeng students demands filling up of vacant teachers` posts


IMPHAL, October 26: Students of Phayeng High School and locals today came out to the streets shouting slogans and demanding filling up the teachers’ vacancy of the school at the earliest.

Other demands of the students and locals include revival of the Phayeng High School, to impart Right to Education in the school also and to provide the facilities lacking in the government schools of Phayeng area.

In this regard a rally was organized jointly by the Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur (DESAM), Phayeng Area Schedule Case Students Union, Koubru Educational Trust (KET), Phayeng Area Nupi Lup in Phayeng area and a memorandum submitted to the Education minister Moirangthem Okendro.

Speaking at a public meeting village chief, N Toyai lamented that the government is neglecting the government school students of Phayeng area.

He continued that teachers are being transferred from the school but are yet to be replaced and as such their posts remain vacant.

Thus, the Phayeng High School has only seven teachers at present, he said.

Moreover, as compared to the condition of the Phayeng High School, it has drastically worsened in the past few years even as the government continues to shout for quality education, he said while lamenting that quality education will be hard to achieve if the government continues to neglect the schools in the far flung areas.

DESAM vice president, M Angamba said that the aim of organizing the rally is to urge the government to ensure development of the education system and to take up the issue at the earliest.

He further said that the government schools have been neglected and their infrastructures are also not properly maintained.

He appealed to the people to support the steps taken up by DESAM to pressure the government to render equal education system in the state.

Head Master, R Yangsoram said that the Phayeng High School is going to collapse very soon, unless, the government fail to give any special attention.


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