STNBA High School annual sport kicks off


    IMPHAL, October 21: The 36th Annual Sport Meet 2013 of the STNBA High school, Irom under the Sadar hills Senapati district kicked off today at its school playground Monday.

    The principal of the STNBA High School Daniel Kashung said in his key note address that STNBA School, Irom was established in 1977.

    This is a private missionary school and has produced many renowned persons with many still working.

    Around 500 students spread after schooling from here and spread in the nook and corner of the country.

    He added that now the school has 650 approximately students in the school and around 65 students will be appearing the coming HSLC examination 2014.

    The school is one of the HSLC Examination centers in Manipur.

    The present Education minister of the State M Okendro had visited the school just before the recent general election.

    The minister had assured a mini auditorium for the school but till now there is no sign of action, he continued.

    As we are still keep waiting for him and hopping one day he might keep his assurance and level and black top the approaching IVR in the area, he said.

    The president of the All Tribal Student Union Manipur Emboi Sarto present as the chief guest of the annual sport meet.

    Emboi Sarto said that the assurance that the minister made to the school will be put up in the meeting with the minster at very short period.

    This small school annual sport meet is the platform for the younger generation to perform his talent and expose their activities in the field of Sport with spirit.

    During the inaugural function, president ATSUM Emboi Sarto declared the opening the 6 day long 36th annual sport meet 2013. The meet has four houses Blue Red Yellow and Green.

    The ATSUM has also presented some sports items to the school.


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