By RK Lakhi Kant
We are on the threshold of another subjugation
Even as we deny we are so
In a hurry to match up to global standards
We do not recognize ourselves nor tradition
In the GM food we grow the essence of farming is no more
Vegetables and fruits at the vendor’s, neatly stacked
Like a factory tray; shape and looks perfectly designed
To outdate the tastier local seeds
What a stupid turn of events where research work is
Experimenting with nature’s bounty. A race against nature
– to overcome it. How the western mind controls ours
A debacle for India viewed as one of its finest achievements!
Can one guarantee the western mind is the best
Then what was the problem with British rule
Why did the freedom fighters confront them
Rule by economic proxy is more defeating than other ways
Is it the end of Gandhism and other Indian
Letters of prominence; Is it the end of morality and
the Indian way of life. Can inner joy be exchanged for a
few bagfuls of goods from the store.
Why does India want to be enslaved by minds
Which are far away and alien. What a bad bargain
The mind comes with the matter and
We shut our eyes and buy rampantly
The country is weak and in its ignorant exclamations
Of joy, could be hidden the downfall of the Indian nation
And its people. The food growing here for ages is not
Going to give strength since its accepted the west knows best