IMPHAL, November 2: The Communist Party of India, Manipur State Council has nominated Dr M Nara Singh as its candidate for the upcoming 14thLok Shaba election from Inner Manipur constituency.
Announcing his candidature himself, Dr M Nara said, the party has in its National Council Meeting at its head quarter in New Delhi has approved him as the party’s candidate.
He said, there will be a new coalition of political parties in the center after the 14thLokShabha Election 2014, opined Dr Nara.
He and L Mangi attended the three day long convention of CPI National Council held at Talkotara stadium in New Delhi, Nara said and added that the convention discussed about the danger of communal parties.
The Congress government is not thinking for the poor people, it is working for the corporate company reducing the Indian economy to a critical condition, he said.
Since 1991 the economic condition has only worsened.