Kukis and Nagas of Chandel district reconcile to live in peace


CHANDEL, November 16: The long cherished dreams of the Kuki and Naga people of Chandel to come together for reconciliation was fulfilled when thousands of people from both the communities gathered on November 16 at Chandel Christian Village and celebrated the Chandel district Kuki Naga Reconciliation Day with a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation in oneness of desire for peace and unity and thereby making a historic declaration.

The historic event which was jointly organized by Kuki People’s Forum (KPF) and the Chamdil Naga People’s Organization (CNPO) to celebrate renewed relationship and to usher peace and prosperity in the district of Chandel began on November 15 when Ngamkholet Chief of Kotlenphai  and Chapa Nl Warngam Chief of Rungchang village performed a ceremonial act based on their fore fathers.

During the ceremonial act on Nov 15, president of Chandel District Christian Forum Rev L Deaconson invoked God’s blessing after which four occasional animals comprising of two Mithuns and two pigs were slaughtered as a mark of sacrificial offering to wash away the past misunderstanding between the two communities.

The main celebration of re-conciliation held at the indoor stadium of the district Sports Complex in Chandel Christian began with a special hymn and a prayer by executive secretary MNBA Rev T Modungkhul.

After the prayer, president of of Kuki People’s Forum Jammang Baite gave a welcome address.  

Yanglet Haokip social worker, former CNPO president Ng Gilbert, Rev Onkholet DS- Evangelical Church of India, Rev Roel former president of Chandel District Christian Forum were the main speakers of the celebration.

Most of the speakers spoke on the need of reconciliation and the value of coming together as children of the living God. The speakers emphasized that reconciliation was done to for good of the district and not as challenge to others. The central theme of the speech of most of the speakers echoed on the policy of Forgive and Forget.

Khangshim Baptist Church Choir, Molnoi Church Choir and Chandel district seven Tribe women prayer group entertained the congregation with their spiritual songs though out the programe. Lynda Haokip and Joycila Lamkang presented beautiful nos in addition to the choirs.

The Act of reconciliation which was the main highlight was administered by Rev Sr Tourngam President of the Chandel District Christian Forum during the reconciliation act, leaders from KPF, CNPO, Kuki Women Human Rights (KWHR), NWUC, KSO, NSUC, Church leaders and Chiefs representing their own Tribes exchange gifts followed by declaration of a peace pact jointly signed by the President of KPF  Jammang Baite and President of CNPO Gabriel Chinir

In connection with the celebration, doves and balloons were released with a hope that their future blessed be blessed with peace and prosperity.

The celebration was attended by more than 3500 delegates inclusive of officials, presidents of the Tribes, chiefs, women leaders, religious leaders, social workers and youths.


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