IMPHAL, Nov 1: Kut festival, the harvest festival of Kuki-Chin-Mizo, is no longer restricted to the original communities. Nowadays, it has become an important festival for all the communities inhabiting the state, said Chief Minister Okram Ibobi while addressing the afternoon session of the celebration today.
State Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said he was overwhelmed to learn that it is being celebrated by the Kuki-Chin-Mizo settlers in other parts of India and foreign countries as well. Moreover, the Indian government has given recognition to the festival and has classified it among the tourism festivals of the country, he stated.
He described the festival as one of the event in India which has risen above communal segregations and promotes the idea of live and let others live. Kut festival has played an important role in rekindling the age-old bond of peace and brotherhood in a land which is inhabited by communities speaking different languages and having different religious practices and costumes, he added.
On the occasion of Kut, I pray to the Almighty that the festival will bring peace, prosperity and contentment, he added.