National School of Drama


Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Sanskaar Rang Toli (T.I.E. Co) begins with BalSangam


–        Bal Sangam brings the flavors of  North East with various Traditional Folk Performing Arts from the Seven States

–        Bal Sangam – a Week-long Festival of Performing Arts and Folk Theatre for the children by the children starts on Children’s Day this year

–        Sanskaar Rang Toli (T.I.E. Co.) introduces Traditional Folk Theatre by Children as a special segment in its Silver Jubilee year


New Delhi, November 13, 2013: The sweet melody of flute, dug dugdug sound of the dugdugi, the distinct music of Dotara, nothing compares to the sweet memories of the childhood mela. A flexible girl, a juggler, some clowns in myriad coloursare nowhere to be found in today’s time, more so in an urban setting. These week-long mela-like treat for childrenwill be brought by Sanskaar Rang Toli (T.I.E Co.) of National School of Drama during the BalSangam 2013, starting from 14th November. It will bring the unique and traditional performing arts to the capital as a treat to the urban children.

This year, NSD’s Sanskar Rang Toli – Theatre in Education Co.which was established in 1989 celebrates its Silver Jubilee year and Bal Sangam 2013 marks the beginning of the year-long celebration. Commencing on the Children’s Day, the weeklong festival at the New Delhi NSD Campus, promises to be a traditional, cultural, and mela like delight for its attendees. From folk dance, martial arts, acrobats, street performances like juggling, magic shows, puppet shows and many more experiences, Bal Sangam will present 10 group’s vivid, distinct and on the verge of extinction performing arts.


Ratan Thiyam, NSD Chairperson shares on the occasion, “North East Region has very rich traditional and cultural heritage. Various art forms are so rare and exquisite it has become the need of the hour that they be brought back into the limelight and be given due attention they so right fully deserve.”

With special focus on North East Region, Bal Sangam 2013 brings the unexplored talents and for many un-witnessed traditional performing arts by children from this region. It took six months of hardwork in finding these 11 traditional folk performers (child artist groups) from all over the North East by T.I.E. Co. The artists are not trained or taught; rather they have inherited from their families who still practice these performing arts which are now on the verge of extinction. In this category of folk and performing arts Groups which would participate are, Abhiyan from Tinsukia, Assam; A’chick Theatre from Tura, Meghalaya; Bashel Brothers Creations, from West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh; Kohinoor Langa from Rajasthan; Blooming Cultural Akademy, IrilbungImphal West, Manipur; Dapon The Mirror, Tangla, Udalpuri BTAD- Assam; GuguraBodol, NazirPukur Par, Krishnanagar, Agartala, Tripura; KadamtaliOjapali Dal from Darrang Assam, Neuhof Cultural Club,Aizawl, Mizoram; Padma AdzerChoeling from East Sikkim and TiwaBhasha- SanskritiCharchaSomittee from Nagaon, Assam.

Performances like Jaxoi Dance, Huroi Or Baisangi, Jang Bihu, Wangala (Napchenga, Rimchaksoa, Sara Roa, Makkre Rika, Mi Geaa, Mi Rata, Mi Sua, Chu Kana, Dome Dena, Jong’ a Toa, Kambe Toa, Chame Mikkang Nia, Salam Ona), Yak Dance, Hu, Jaam, Zig & Aji  Lhamutells The Folk Tales Of Sherdukpen Tribe, Bamboo Dance, Kabui Naga Dance, Pung Cholam, Dhol Dholak Cholom, Maibi Jagoi, Khamba Thoibi Dance, Stick Dance, Thabi Kakpa, Thang Ani Yannaba, Thang Ahum Yannba, Thangjao Yannba, Thang Ta Chainba, Thang Leiteng Haiba, Yetthang Oithang Yannba, Farkanti, The Bihu, Bardai Sikhla, Raidwng Shipnai, Garia, Lebang Boomani, Mamita, Mosok Sulmani, Hazagiri, Deodhani, Suknani Ojha Pali, Devi Archana, Going to The Temple to, Dance Chaloni Gotir Nritya, Rana Chandi Nritya, Khuti Talor Nritya, Four Stroks, Mandap Kamua Nritya, Cheraw, Chheih Lam, Tlanglam, Sarlamkai/Solakia, Khullam, Chawnglaizawn, Chai, Nepali Maruni Dance (Akashai Ko Kalo-Badal), Nepali Rai Dance (Suntaley Bhiraiko tir), Nepali Churkay Dance (Gharma Cha), Bhutia Dance (Limpokara Sum), Bhutia Dance (Denzong), Lepcha Dance (Mun-Dyak-Ka-Na-Oh, Lepcha Dance (Nam-Frona Pho Sa Bhoem), Langkhon Misawa, Khorla pisu Misawa, Baro Langkhui Misawa, Khram Misawa, Mairawa Misawa, Nakha Sanga Misawa and Khangsi Misawa will be the centre of attention.

WamanKendre, Director, National School of Drama, “BalSangam is a mela from Sanskar Rang Toli every alternate year which is a grand treat for children. We want as many as children to come and experience the mela so that they are enriched with our traditional and cultural heritage. Parents are also requested not to miss BalSangam with their children as this is the one and only, unique and complete folk performing arts and folk theatre festival by children in the entire country.”

Also taking a step forward towards educating the children, Sanskaar Rang Toli (T.I.E Co) this time will be holding special performances in the morning session with various schools who has tied up with NSD. The students will also have discussion sessions with artists who are experts of the art form presented and attend various workshops organized during the day.

Introducing a special segment for the Silver Jubilee Celebration, out of the 21 groups that will be performing during the Festival, a street performance and9Traditional Folk Theatre Performance groupswill also bring their best performances to the centre-stage.These will include theatres like Bali Wadh&Dwapar Lila by BhaveshChhouNritya Kala, Jharkhand; RaasLeelaby Face, Manipur;Yakshagana Dance Drama by Yakshagana Kendra Udipi, Karnataka; GosianPatherbyNational Bhand Theatre Budgam, J&K;Darz-E-Patherby Kashmir Performers Collective, Srinagar; Lava Kush by MudalapayaYakshagana Kendra, Karnataka;MaachbyAnkur Rang Munch, MP; PurliaChhou, Royal Chhou Academy, West Bengal and AnkiyaBhaonafrom Prayaas, Nagaon, Assam.The idea is toprovide a platform to the original theatres without the touch of modernism.

Abdul Latif Khatana, Founder Member and present Chief of T.I.E Co. says, “The Mela is an effort to provide a platform at the National level to folk and traditional artists to keep them in practice with their rich cultural tradition. The festival also aims to spread awareness among urban children about the rich cultural heritage of the country. The special focus of the Mela 2013 is the performances of folk and traditional performing Arts from the North East states and only folk/traditional theatre performances from different region of India. Besides various performances, Art and Craft workshops are also part of the Mela.”


The fanfare and hubbub of Bal Sangam 2013 starts from 14th November and goes on till 20th November, 2013 at the New Delhi Campus of NSD at Bhagwandas Road. Timing 4:00PM to 8:00PM from 14th to 17th November and 6:00PM to 8:00PM from 18th to 20th November.

Barry John, Founder-Director of the TIE Company on the occasion of Sanskar Rang Tolientering its 25th Year said, “The TIE Company has done a lot to be proud of, but there are massive tasks still waiting to be done. I wish there was a quick and easy way to prove to those who are ignorant or prejudiced about the benefits to be derived from Theatre activities, but of course, there is not. Meanwhile, Theatre’s potential to humanize people, to have them working creatively together, to resolve conflicts and violence, to empower people positively, lies languishing.”

About TIE Co.

Sanskaar Rang Toli is the only theatre education resource centers in the country and has worked with around 10 thousand children till date in various workshops. It consists of a group of actor-teachers working with and performing for children. The major focus of the TIE Company is to perform creative, curriculum-based and participatory plays in schools, specially designed and prepared for children of different age groups. The major thrust of the plays is to create an atmosphere that encourages children to raise questions, take decisions and make choices with an awareness of themselves within the larger social context.

The TIE Company has done more than 1400 performances of 32 plays in various parts of the country. More than 10 lakh children, apart from college students, teachers, parents and theatre lovers, have witnessed these plays in approximately all the states in the country and Poland, China, Philippines and Japan.

The Toli began with an objective of bridging the gap between passive education and an active method of learning by doing through its performances of varied plays, Summer Workshops on self development and social integration, Sunday Club for devising original performances with children, workshops with teachers on effective teaching-learning process. All these activities are practiced round the year as per the children annual school calendar in Delhi and other parts of the country.


About BalSangam:

With the start of new millennium TIE Co. started a new bi annual event “BalSangam”, a festival of Indian performing folk and traditional arts presented by children practicing these arts from different regions of the country.

 Around 2 lakh people, mostly children, have witnessed BalSangam till date in the last 7 BalSangams. Around 85 groups have participated and showcased around 672 performances till date.


For further queries, please contact:
Le Communiqué Consultancy                                                                                         National School of Drama

Anuj@9958372662/ Shabana@09860758687/                                                            A.K. Barua @ 9810329401

Santosh@9968509492/Hemant@9999370919                                                                            PRO, NSD


Anuj Kumar Boruah
Associate Director

Le Communique Consultancy
3rd Floor, N-5 A, Jangpura Extension
Near Eros Cinema
New Delhi-110014
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