NWU condemns rampant blasts


    IMPHAL, Nov 9 (NNN): The Naga Women Union (NWU) has expressed serious concern over the series of IED bomb blasts happening at public places in Manipur where innocent people are either killed or injured.

    “It brings with it an array of social, economic and psychological problem. When a family loses its main bread winner the resulting long term consequences are often more difficult to overcome than the grief. IED victims suffer well beyond the recovery period of their injury. It destroys their social life; a lifelong disability becomes a lifelong problem for the victims and the entire family. The victims might have no enmity with anyone or a party to any conflict but got killed in an IED blast without having done any wrong to anyone,” the NWU said.

    The Naga Women Union then said the government should put an end to this terrorist act by seriously checking the procurement of the IED and its uses.


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