Pandam eveninger hits newsstand


    IMPHAL, Nov 9: The 68th birth anniversary of Chingsubam Akaba, former president of Meetei National Front (MNF), a group that spearheaded the popularization of Meetei script, was observed at Sagolband Wahengbam Leikai today.

    Marking the anniversary the editorial team of Pandam Luchingpurel Chingsubam Akaba Ningsing Lup (LUCANIL) and Luwang Printers launched the first colour bilingual evening daily ‘Pandam’ in Manipur.

    The observation was attended by commerce and industry minister, Govindas Konthoujam as the chief guest; Heingang MLA N Biren as president and Naoria Pakhanglakpa MLA, RK Anand; Sugnu MLA K Ranjit; former minister RV Minthing and W Rajen, director of DIPR, as the guests of honour.

    Well wishers, friends and family members of the late Chingsubam Akaba, also paid rich floral tribute in honour of the departed soul.

    Pandam was first published in the year 1980 as a daily newspaper with Akaba as the editor and later the publication was turned into a montly journal.


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