IMPHAL, January 11: Chief minister O Ibobi opened the district and sessions judge court at Senapati district headquarters today.
Speaking during the inauguration, Ibobi said the functioning of the court at the district HQ will reduce the problems of people from the district who had to come to Imphal regarding legal adjudications earlier. It will help in realizing the concept of bringing the delivery of justice to the doorsteps a reality, he added.
True democracy can be achieved only when there is balance of power between the three pillars of democracy – legislature, executive and judiciary. The judiciary wing has the extra responsibility of intervening when discrepancies are discovered in the functioning of the executive and the legislature, Ibobi said.
He said acknowledging the greater role of the judiciary, the administration had prioritized the strengthening of the judiciary and setting up subordinate courts in the respective districts.
Taking advantage of the occasion, the chief minister made an appeal against unnecessary imposition of bandhs and blockades by organizations with the suggestion to approach the government with their grievances as the first step so that it can peruse the feasibility of its actuation.
The chief minister further talked about the current position of his government on the shifting of the bus stand at Senapati to the site of the police station, adequate supply of power, improvement of infrastructure at Senapati Jail, establishment of super market complex at the district industries center and improvement of water supply in the district.
In his presidential speech the Chief Justice of Manipur High Court Laxmi Kanta Mohapatra said with the opening of the court a small step has been made towards the fulfillment of the ultimate goal of bringing justice to the doorsteps of the people.
He announced that plans are afoot for setting up of district and session courts in other hill districts as well and the courts of CJM and magistrate in each hill districts. He praised the commitment and activities of the state administration for creation of subordinate courts.
Works minister Dr Kh Ratan was the guest of honour at the function which was attended by Manipur High Court judge N Kotishwor and advocate general Th Ibohal.