First convention of AAP Manipur held


IMPHAL, February 26: The Aam Admi Party (AAP) Manipur organised its first ever convention at Iboyaima Shumang Leela Shanglen today.

The convention was attended by State preparatory committee’s co-ordinator, Th Manihar Singh and Manipur Campaign Committee’s member, K Ningthemjao Singh as presidium members.

Thouranisabi Devi of Kongpal Kongkham Leikai, a weaver, was the chief guest, while Fijuradin, a vegetable vendor, Iboyaima Heingan (a cook), Dinesh (students) from Kodongpokpi and K Ningthouja were the guests of honour.

Prior to commencing the convention the gathering chanted slogan in unison “No to Racism we want peace”.

According to AAP the objective of the convention was focussed on membership drive besides bridging the gap between the public with the AAP campaign committee etc.

Th Jugindro said that people need to uproot corruption by supporting the AAP. He further said that people cannot be separated from the AAP. He further continued that around seven lakh are not getting jobs in the state.

It has been informed that around 300 members were successfully enrolled during the convention.

The convention adopted a resolution having three objectives.

The resolution are to continue AAP Manipur membership drive, to constitute block campaign committee where required and to kick off its first leg of door to door campaign from March 1 to 31.    

Speaking during the convention, AAP Manipur campaign  committee, convenor, Hareshor Goswami, expressed his confidence that AAP will shine in the upcoming Lok Sabha election.

He further announced the name of the possible candidates of AAP during the ensuing election for the inner constituency to be Dhanabir retd. Pilot, Dr kh Ibomcha and Yembam Laba.

For outer constituency he named K Jao from Churachanpur, LS Haokip, Sadar Hill Senapati districts as probable candidates.

Yambam Laba and LS Haokip, while addressing the gathering appealed to vote for AAP to bring a change in the state and root out corruption.


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