Hill journos condemn scribe assualt


IMPHAL, Feb 19: The Manipur Hill Journalists` Union has condemned the physical assault of Imphal Free Press senior reporter Aribam Chaoba Sharma by personnel of the India Reserve Battalion on February 10, 2014 near the Northern Kangla Gate.

A statement of the union said, “The Manipur Hill Journalists` Union (MHJU) condemns the barbaric act of the security personnel in the strongest terms and urged every right thinking individuals to join hands against the assault of journalists in the soil of Manipur.”

It further said that the delayed action taken by the police is also questionable as the formal complaint regarding Sharma`s assault was lodged the day after the assault.

The police registered an FIR only on February 12, 2014 at 7.30 pm, in spite of the long promise made by the state government to book and take appropriate actions against the culprit, no action has been taken so far, it further lamented.

The MHJU further expressed earnest solidarity to the demands and points of the All Manipur Working Journalist`s Union (AMWJU) while demanding appropriate punitive actions against the accused IRB havildar Md Majibur.

The union further urge the concerned authorities to take necessary actions at the earliest possible time, said the statement signed by its general secretary S Nengkhanlun Zou.


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