Pradhans condemn hijacking incident


IMPHAL, February 22: The incident of hijacking a four wheeler by armed persons from Pradhan S Manihar was condemned by thirty nine pradhans and 370 members of Imphal West and West-II. The incident occurred on February 17 at midnight at the residence of the said pradhan which comes under Lairenjam Gram Panchayat , Irom Meijrao under Wangoi Police Station, Imphal West.

It was mentioned that such oppressive nature perpetrated by the armed persons on an elected person borders on the loopholes in maintaining law and order. If such actions continue, then it is high time that the elected persons are provided security escort by the State, mentioned Yengkhom Muhindro Singh, pradhan of Khongampat GP and Langthabal GP pradhan AK Mani Singh who are also block members mentioned to IFP reporter.

They accused that the act of hijacking the vehicle from the pradhan was perpetrated by unidentified persons speaking hindi language, wearing camouflage dress, fully armed persons who came in three vehicles. They said that this may be the handiwork of security personnel and if so then, it is a violation of right to life and blatant misuse of security protocol.

It was further urged to the concerned minister and the police authorities to investigate the crime and arrest the perpetrators at the earliest and book them under the law.

It may be mentioned that the maruti gypsy bearing number MN-04/A 6514, chassis number 209864, engine number 113488 was taken by force suspected to be security personnel. The pradhan was made to sign in a blank paper and his telephone number was also taken by them.

Condemning the incident, a sit in protest was held at Irom Meijrao Community Hall on Friday.


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