Women homeguards demand pay hike, take out rally


IMPHAL, February 22: Demanding an increased in their monthly salary, women home guard personnel today taken out a protest rally enroute to Chief Minister Bungalow this afternoon around 4pm.

The rally was however stopped at the Nupi Lal complex by Police wherein three women woman representative of the home guard were selected to meet the Chief Minster regarding their demand.

To the dismay of the home guards the representative had to turn back without any substantial outcome as the Chief Minister was reported to be out of station.  

The all Manipur V.D.F Welfare Association in a statement has appealed the state Government to give away the honorarium of the VDF personnel regularly considering the fact that the personnel have a family.

Despite the fact that the VDF are getting a minimal amount of around 4000 rupees as their salary, the delay in payment add to the woes of the VDF especially who are family men, it sad.

Moreover, there are no health insurance or other health related benefits, it lamented.

The association will provide financial assistance to the late VDF Okram Sanajaoba Singh, son of O Chandra, who was recently killed in a road mishap at Khongjom. The financial assistant will be provided after deducting 100 rupees each from the honorarium of the VDF personnel, it said.


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