Zo community celebrates Zomi Namni


CCPUR, February 22: The 66th Zomi Namni of the Zo descendants was celebrated on February 20, 2014 at Mimbung village, public ground in Mizoram.

Mimbung village lies on the Mizoram side of the Manipur-Mizoram border.

The two day program was organised under the aegis of the Paite Tribe Council, general hq based at Lamka, Manipur.

The day time part of the program was attended by Manipur parliamentary secretary Vungzagin Valte as chief guest; chief engineer, Power and Electricity, government of Mizoram Khamkhokam Guite as functional president and PTC general secretary Chinkhansuan as guest of honour.

Advisor to the Zomi Re-unification Organisation, K Guite acted as the chief host.

Chief guest, Vungzagin Valte said the Zomis should work for the betterment of the whole community and not only for themselves.

He further elaborated on the works of leaders like the founding president of ZRO, K Guite and observed the need to protect the identity and dignity.

There is also a need for co-ordination among the people’s representatives to accomplish development of the society, he said.

He said the Zomis and the Mizos are the same and there should be no confusion or misunderstanding.

Chief host, K Guite on behalf of the ailing ZRO president Thanglianpa Guite said that the Zomi Namni was the day when the Zomis were freed from British rule and their chieftainship restored.

K Guite said that the day had been observed every year for the past 66 years in Myanmar while the day was celebrated in India during 1994/95.

Under his leadership, the day was observed at Lamka, CCpur in 1995, he claimed.

The chief host also dwelt at length about the important of understanding the dichotomy aspect of the words Zomi and Mizo.

K Guite also recalled that he had had a meeting with former chief minister of Mizoram, Zoramthang who had promised to take his part in upholding protection of the Zo people and their tradition.

J Zama, a Mizo historian had said that the Mizo/Zomi are highlanders, said

The chief host before adding, “We are more than that which the younger generation knows.”

He further said that the Global Zomi Alliance Conference will be held at Myanmar in the coming months and further appealed to all to participate in the conference.

“In the years to come, people of Mizoram, Manipur and Myanmar will come together for the cause of Zogam,” and further added that the people need to be law abiding citizens and use the development plans to maximise the benefits.

He further urged the elected representatives to work at the grass root level to help the people; and at the same time the people should be ready to reciprocate the good work of the elected representatives, he added.

Every year, the celebration is being held at various places, and this year the main program was held at Mimbung attended by intellectuals, social leaders and politicians.

Zomi Namni was held simultaneously at Rangoon, Kalimeau and Teddim in Myanmar this year, apart fron the one at Lamka in Manipur and Mimbung in Mizoram this year.


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