CCpur hamlet observes Int`l Women`s Day


LAMKA, March 8: While many a woman from Lamka Town proper expressed unfamiliarity with the International Women’s Day, womenfolk of S Munhoi, a small hamlet in Singat sub-division some 20 km away from the Lamka Town observed the day.

The observation was held under the watch of the MDC Grace Zamnu and organised by the Action for Women and Child Upliftment, WWCA and attended by CCpur DC, PK Jha and Dr Vunglallian Tonsing a consultant of AWCA.

The observation was organised to coincide with the launch of the ‘Zonu training centre’ which means the ‘ZO women training centre’ at the Jacintha Rehobot.

DC PK Jha launched the centre.

While giving out the key note address, MDC Zamnu said that the people of the village particularly the selected 30 trainees of the centre are blessed to have the DC attend their function.

The DC said that as a M Phil student in Delhi University, he had worked on the gender equality and said that “We may not be able to change biologically but can change our thinking and respect for the womenfolk which is 50% of humanity; and further added that he said that the women need respect and care and it had to come from within.

The DC also say that, women cannot compete physically with men, but they can think as the men.

He also continued that the acceptance of the society at large is important to enforce a law for gender equality.

“Women are at a disadvantage in the division of labor.”

PK Jha lauded the initiative of the AWCA under Grace Zamnu.

Dr Vunglllian Tonsing, speaking on the occasion said that he was impressed by the things he see today and said that the women will benefit from it.

He said that he himself had two daughters whose growth bring him joy and who he believe and hope will be an instrument of change in the coming years.

He said that this year’s theme of the International Women’s Day is “inspiring change” and to affect this we must learn to respect women.

He said “Husbands should respect their wives and viceversa which will be the beginning of women empowerment.

The Dr also said that once the women are empower it will be a day when the society will be transform in a positive way and many of our problem will be east.

AWCA was set up as an NGO’S in the year 1986 and was at first chastened Bunglon Women Welfare Society after which it remained inactive and was again revived under Grace Zamnu in 2010 as the secretary and was then called AWCA.


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