VAW crusader to cycle against Delhi racial attacks


IMPHAL, March 6: Messenger for peace and cyclist Sougaijam Bidyalaxmi Leima has left Imphal for Delhi on Thursday to campaign against racial attacks on people from the North East in Delhi for ten days.

The cycle-borne messenger of peace was flagged off by president of the schedule tribe demand committee retd Prof Dr Yumnam Mahendra and former legislator Y Thambal on Thursday at the Manipur Press Club in Major Khull.  

She left Imphal around 3 pm on Thursday from the Tulihal International Airport and the campaign will start from today in Delhi and spread messages of peace to stop racial attacks particularly on the northeast people at the metropolitan city.

Her campaign is to stop the continuing racial attack on the North East people during the last few days in relation with the International Women Day on March 8.


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