Prosecution witness in RK Meghen’s case fails to appear before NIA court


IMPHAL, May 12: Chairman of the proscribed outfit United National Liberation Front (UNLF), RK Meghen alias Sanayaima was produced today before the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Court, Guwahati.

A digital expert of forensic science laboratory who was to appear before the court as a prosecution witness failed to turn up today, informed a source.

Today’s appearance was a routine physical appearance for the arrested UNLF chief under section 309 CrPC.

The NIA has charged 19 members of the outfit including Meghen with multiple cases including waging war against India, extortion and procuring arms from foreign countries etc (NIA case no.10 of 2010 (special trial) u/s 121/A/120-B/122/16/17/21 UAP Act).

However, two of the 19 remain at large.

Of the several prosecution witnesses to appear against the UNLF chief, one witness identified as MC Kuli, digital expert of forensic science laboratory, was supposed to appear before the NIA court today.

However, the witness failed to turn up due to poor health condition, sources said.

He will be produced again on May 13 at the same court along with other accused.

Meanwhile, the counsel of RK Meghen will cross examination the prosecution witnesses.

It may be noted that the UNLF chief was reportedly arrested on November 30, 2010 in Bihar’s East Champaram district, while trying to cross over to India from Bangladesh.

But the claim was denied by the outfit alleging that the UNLF chief was abducted by Indian and Bangladeshi sleuths in Dhaka on September 29, 2010 and forcibly brought to India.


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