Woman sent to judicial custody


IMPHAL, May 12: Thounaojam Sunita Devi, alleged mastermind of her own and her minor son’s kidnapping drama, along with the two accused M Saratchandra and his wife Bimola Devi was produced before the Chief Judicial Magistrate Imphal West today.

Bimola Devi was granted bail, while the two others Thounajam Sunita Devi, 33, wife of Hemanta of Uchiwa Awang Leikai and M Saratchandra 40 of Uchekon Khonou were sent to judicial custody till May 27.

It may be mention that the three were arrested by the police on May 5 from different location of Imphal for staging a kidnapping drama of the main accused Th Sunita Devi and her seven year old son.


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