Young boy found dead; locals accused uncle, set house on fire


IMPHAL, September 25: The mysterious death of a teenage boy sparked tension at Leisangthem Khongmanug Makha Leikai under Thoubal police stationtoday.

The boy was found dead under mysterious circumstances inside his room.

Angered by the incident, the locals set ablaze the residence of the boy`™s uncle charging him of killing the boy.

The victim is identified as Wangkhem Robi, 19, son of (L) Samu while the accused (uncle) is identified as W Edan, 42, son of (L) Angou.

Locals said Robi left behind his younger sister alone as their parents had already passed away.

The locals also reported to have heard an exchange of heated words yesterday afternoon, between the uncle who is their immidiate neighbour and Robi.

Later, today Robi was found dead inside his bedroom around 6am.

Speaking to media persons, the deceased`™s younger sister narrated that his uncle have always ill treated Robi stating that he was a psychiatric patient adding that the sudden demise of his brother is very suspicious.

She further appealed the authority concerned to constitute a probe to determine the facts and circumstances leading to the death of his brother and punish the culprit according to the law.

The mortal remains of Robi has been deposited at JNIMS morgue by the police.

Meanwhile, infuriated locals stormed the residence of the accused and set on fire the house around 2 in the afternoon.

The Thoubal Fire service rushed to douse the fire, while an additional team of the Thoubal police also arrived at the scene to prevent any untoward incident.

Police have also taken the accused in their custody for further investigation.


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