

By RK Lakhi Kant

What is politically moving
is sure to be spiritually dead;
A political leader can never
lead people out of life`s problems;
So long as people rely on politics
we can never expect any
reformation, or truth;
Humanity needs to be led, but
only in a system in which
politics and diplomacy are discarded;
A new world which gives
reason to live and hope.

Till the political system
is completely defeated –
in the interim period –
we can give a good chance
to the masses by letting them
rule from amongst them;
This, instead of risking the perils
of an over-authoritative dynastic rule
and hero worship, as is clearly seen
in India and other places
foreign to us.
When ruling men and their families represent
the dreams of a nation, curtailing the
human spirit, that`s when we are serving
and satisfying a democratic hypocrisy
called dynastic rule.

Democratic incompetence revealed
in the face of a surging mass
of people barely able to survive;
Indian politics is stuck in a groove;
It`s giving less than a fair chance
to the masses who are now
living in a political zamindari of vote banks;
Till the party flags go off color and needless,
and till the poor men`s vision is clear
let the Indian dream reinvent itself;
An alternative dream other than
the one of the Independence saga which
is now overused and redundant.


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