MSAD Irabot Day Observation 2014 at New Delhi


30th September is the birth anniversary of the late pioneer Hijam Irabot (30 September 1896- 26 September 1951). Over the last many years, the day have been observed as Irabot Day by different organisations in their own ways. That there have not been any controversy vis-à-vis the different manners of observing the anniversary in the name of Irabot, have been due to the fact that Irabot was a pioneer in various fields.

In fact, Irabot had played pioneering role in various novel fields of Manipur. His roles may be summarized under the following themes; (1) literature and journalism, (2) art and culture, (3) sports, (4) social and economic reforms and (5) political revolution. What added more value while discussing the roles have been his livelihood. He was brought up as a destitute orphan. The then royal family were moved by his personality and had offered a princess in marriage. For that, he was offered properties and a prestigious job. However, he left those properties and job to become a revolutionary. He stood against various forms of oppression that were prevailing in the society: (a) against the feudal oppression or the monarchical regime, (b) against the British colonial rule, and (c) against the oppressive system of the Indian rulers. He played important role towards building a democratic Manipur. On the other hand, he took part in the struggle in the international movement to build a classless society.

Being a pioneer, Irabot have conveyed some messages to our people in the years to come. Those are: (1) As all human beings are being structured within a given political-economic condition; all positive and negative conditions in the society are the products of the political economy; (2) No individual can escape from the political economic structure. Therefore, the only means towards the growth of every individual is to improve the political economic conditions; (3) There is a small chunk of people, who is benefitted by keeping the condition of the society underdevelopment. They are the enemies of the society. Until and unless they are being identified, it is difficult to expose the enemies of the society. Until and unless they are being uprooted, the condition of the society cannot be improved; and (4) A peoples’ democratic movement is essential to develop the society. If armed revolution is essential in order to defend the democratic movement, there should be no frustration in doing that.

Our objectives of organising the Irabot Day Observation are primarily two; (1) To express our respect to the livelihood of Irabot and the roles that he had played, and (2) To have discussion on the messages that Irabot have conveyed to us. We are very serious about the second objective. Because, we are also keen towards making our society a peaceful, stable and fully developed society. In relation to this, there are many things that we would like to collectively discuss. Some of the discussions can be held on the following themes: (a) To which direction and on which path our political economy have been moving continuously since the times of Irabot? What are the forms of oppression and contradictions that have been created by this political economy? (c) Does our condition really calls for a new revolution? (d) What kind of revolution is being required? (d) Who will bring the revolution and how and to which direction?

We expect that all our friends will concentrate on the above issues and make our programme a grand success. May this programme become a step ahead and contribute to the making of a new Manipur.

Long live Hijam Irabot

Victory to people’s democratic revolution

MSAD (Manipur Students’ Association Delhi)





Irabot Numit Ningsing Thouram 2014


30 September asi leikhidraba lamyaanba Hijam Irabot (30 September 1896- 26 September 1951) ki mapok numit ni. Houkhraba chahi kayadagi numit asibu Irabot Day haina, tongan tonganba meeyoi kanglup kayana makhoi makhoigi pamjaba mawongda kumol thouram pangthoknarakli. Asumna, tongan tonganba wahanthokka loinana, tongan tonganba thouram kaya Irabot ki mingda pangthokpada yetnaba leiramdriba asi Irabotna hiram kayada lamyaanba oirambanani.

Tasengnamak, Manipur gi anouba hiram kayada Irabot mangjil thaba thoudang kaya loukhi. Thoudangsingdu supchillaga asumna neinaba yai; (1) literature and journalism, (2) art and culture, (3) sports, (4) social and economic reforms and (5) political revolution. Thoudangsing asi neinabada henna magun leihallibasi mahakki punsirol adunasu oihalli. Mahak lairaba pidat padatpa meeyoi ama oina hourakhi. Mahakki matik magunda ningthoukol na ngai sen oiningduna, mahakpu ningthou machanupi thajakhi. Lun thum amasung achouba famthon fanghankhi. Adubu mahakna lan thum amasung awangba famthon khudingmak hundoklaga yaolloi ama oikhi. Khunnaida leiriba namhatlichat kayagi mayokta mahakna lepkhi; (a) feudalism gi namhatlichat or ningthokol leingak ki mayokta, (b) British loilam leingakki mayokta, amasung (c) India lengakpasinggi supnam leingakki mayokta. Mahak democratic Manipur ama semgatlakpada achouba thoudang loukhi. Amaromda, malem gi oina eehourakhiba mannaba khunnai semgatpagi lanjangda mahak saruk yaakhi.

Lamyaanba ama oina, Irabot na eikhoigi meeyamda paojel khara matam pumbagi oina thamlammi. Makhoising adudi: (1) Meeyoiba khudingmak sinlam-leingaklon amagi fivam manungda hingliba oibana, khunnaigi oiriba afa fatta fivam khudingmak sinlam-leingaklon aduna oihanba ngaktani, (2) Meeyoiba kanasu sinlam- leingakki fivam adudagi nanthoktuna chenba ngamde. Aduna sinlam- leingakki fivam afaba maikeida semgatpa haiba asina meeyoiba khudinggi yaifanabagi amatta ngairaba lambeeni, (3) Khunnaigi fivam fat-handraga madudagi kannaba louba yaitong famtongba meeyoi khujok ama leiri. Makhoi asi khunnaigi yeknabani. Makhoi asi masak khngdoktriba makheidi khunnaigi yeknaba masak khngba ngamde. Makhoi asi maru fukna manghandriba makhei khunnaigi fivam fagat-hanba ngamde, (4) Khunnaibu semgatpa haibasi meeyamgi oiba democratic khongjangsing tangai fade. Democratic khongjangsing asi hinghannabagidamak khutlai paiba lanjang mathou taraklabadi, madugidamak ninghannaroidabani.

Eikhoina Irabot Day Observation thouram pangthokchariba asigi maru oiba maram anini: (1) Irabot ki punsirol amasung mahakna loukhiba thoudangsing adubu eekai khumnaba ootchaba, amasung (2) Irabot na khunnaida chellamliba paojelsing asi neinaba. Anisuba maram asi eikhoina yamna hakchinna loujei. Maramdi, eikhoinasu eikhoigi khunnai asi tangdu leitaba chaokhatpa khunnai ama oihanba pamjei. Masiga mari leinana eikhoina khngminnagadaba wafam kaya leiri. Wafamsing asi asumna kakhal kaya thokna neinaba yai: (a) Eikhoigi sinlam-leingaklon asi Irabot matamdagi ngasi faobada karamba sinlam-leingaklon-gi poram amada lishang sitna laklibageh? (b) Hairiba sinlam-leingaklon asina oihanliba namhatlichat amasung khunnai manunggi muknabasing adu karino? (c) Eikhoigi fivam asi tasengnamak anouba yaol ama mathou tarabara? (d) Karamba makhalgi yaol mathou taribano? (e) Yaol adu kanana kamdouna karamba maikeida purakkadabano?

Eikhoina pangthokchagadouriba thouram asida marup mapangsingna mathakki wafamsing asida wakhal chungsinbiduna thouram asibu mapung faba ngamhanbiyu. Thouram asinasu khongthang ama oiduna awonba Manipur ama semgatpada karigumba thoudang kharadi louba oisanu.

Hijam Irabot lomdaba oirasanu

Meeyamgi democratic yaol na yaifareh


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